Trump IS Making America Great Again …

Don't choke on that title. I wanted to grab your attention. Also, I'm kind of serious... but not in the way you're thinking - let me explain. I wonder sometimes if it's all "supposed to be this way". We fight for change, recognition, revolution, evolution, equality, human rights, open mindedness, and the saving of our…

Eerie Synchronicities

After a few months I was finally able to return home to Colorado. My stepmother finally stabilized and was in rehabilitation, and so, for the time being all was O.K. I was still getting over my MS relapse and while certain things began to normalize, my sleep as I had known it was far from…

Number Sequences

After my first real clairvoyance episode I started to feel completley different. It's like a door had been flung open and someone pushed me out into what was the beginning stages of my awakened state. I began noticing what I formally labeled as coincidences, but really they were synchronicities or patterns that I had never…

The Guardian

After that fateful night in the hotel room where I experienced my first prominent clairvoyance episode, I was left disheveled. I had so many questions I could barely wrap my head around the essence of my current situation. Out of sheer desperation I reached out to K and scheduled a remote reading from FL. I…

Clairvoyance Annoyance

Previous to 2016 I hadn't "seen" anything in terms of visions or projections or flashes of what looked like movie scenes behind my eyelids. Sure I had the occasional lucid dream or sleep paralysis scare, but aside from some deja vu synchronicities coupled with the latter I hadn't experienced anything like what I would experience…

The Journey Journal

Long before I made the decision to start such a vulnerable publication I began journaling my experiences, thoughts, emotions, trials and tribulations as it relates to "supernatural" or spiritual happenstance. I was suffering from total disbelief of all the things that were accruing in my life. And I mean everything, from losing jobs and cross country moves,…